Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The diary of this School Bus Driver

For those of you who don't already know, I am a school bus driver, I have been for 8 years. Crazy...yeah I know, but I really do enjoy my job...on the good days. Personally I'd rather drive my bus Empty! (A little driver humor) Come on, you show me a job where you have weekends off, Holidays off, summers off (with "pay"), you can take your own children with no need to pay for daycare, you are given your own personal office with a view...and it's mobile, and the pay is at least $15 an hour. If you can find a job with all those perks, we'll talk.
Now, by request...a school bus story. Foe all of you fellow drivers I hope this gives you a good laugh. While embarrassing, I did laugh. Just this past Friday, The school I drive for had a half day!! Yeah, a Friday with a half day just before a week long break. SO, I was asked to substitute drive a run after my run, and as usual, I agreed. Boy do I wish I had not agreed. So the afternoon started off as any other. And this is what I get for listening to the kids. I had the drivers' run sheet in front of me and I could not figure out exactly how the regular driver got from stop "A" to stop "B" so I asked the kids to help me out a little. They tell me to go up the road and drop off at the next left. No problem (out of order non the less but not a major issue). And then the gentleman proceeds to tell me to turn around in the field. Now, keep in mind that it had been pouring rain for 2 days, and a full size school bus empty weighs more than 20,000lbs. Am I painting a picture for you yet? Well, after some disagreeing with the student, I did see a stone patch in the field formed like a turn-around. While I thought better of it, the kids all swore this is what their driver does EVERY day. SO I go for it. All is well until I am about 20 feet from the road and half way through the turn and wouldn't you know...There I was stuck in a field....freshly spread with cow manure...on the side of the road. No matter what I did, I either slid or sank more into the mud. It was as if I drove right into quick sand. First, I was angry with myself for listening to the kids....but then I thought it was pretty funny. The mechanics that came to get me out of the field did not find any humor in it though. Lesson learned....DON'T LISTEN TO THE KIDS!

Please share your embarrassing stories!

1 comment:

Sue said...

This is pretty funny after the embarrasment wears off. Have a great day.